Lukas Innerebner, LL.M.
Lukas specializes in commercial dispute resolution with extensive experience in arbitration. As former Legal Counsel at the Swiss Arbitration Centre, he has overseen over 150 domestic and international arbitrations. Lukas has also advised companies, banks, and investors on M&A transactions and capital markets law, gaining profound expertise in these areas. Additionally, he has a keen interest in legal issues related to international commodity trading.
Swiss Bar Admission (2021)
Geneva LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement MIDS (2018) (summa cum laude)
University of Trento, Master Degree in Law (2014)
Professional Career
Associate at Wartmann Merker (since 2024)
Legal Counsel at the Swiss Arbitration Centre (2021-2024)
Auditor at the District Court of Uster (2020)
Trainee at an international law firm in Zurich (2018-2019)
Junior Associate at an international law firm in Rome (2015-2018)
ASA b40 (Swiss Arbitration Association)
DIS40 (German Arbitration Institute)
AA40 (Italian below40 Arbitration Association, Coordinator of the Swiss Chapter 2020-2024)
"Can arbitration also be méthode zurichoise? - An excursion into the jurisdictional system of the Commercial Court Zurich" [in German], in: Colorio/Cozzi (eds.), Origins, Development, and Perspectives of International Arbitration: Typologies and Diachronic Dynamics, 2025
"La riforma dell'arbitrato internazionale in Svizzera", in: Rivista dell’Arbitrato, No. 04/2020 (together with Giulio Palermo)
"The Appellate Body Deadlock: Identifying Solutions within the DSU and Beyond", in: Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, No. 01/2019 (together with Tania Singla)
"Politicization of a future International Investment Tribunal’s appointment and how to avoid it", in: Trento Student Law Review, No. 1/2019
Comment on Swiss Supreme Court decision 4A_56/2017: "L’applicazione del principio iura novit arbiter in Svizzera", in: Rivista dell’Arbitrato, No. 03/2018
"International arbitration and its use in finance transactions to face distressed situations: current trends", panelist, AIJA Conference, Rome, March 2024
"Are arbitrations today considerably greener than before?", panelist, MIDS Alumni Association Annual Conference, Geneva, September 2023
"Institutional Arbitration", panelist, 64. DACH Conference, Paris, Mai 2023
"First Arbitrator Appointments – How to get there and how to get it right", panelist, ASA b40/RAI, Zurich, February 2023
"Italy and Switzerland: A Comparative Perspective on Recent Arbitration Law Reforms (Provisional Measures)", moderator, Italian Arbitration Association AIA, webinar, April 2022
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