Dr. Anne-Catherine Hahn, LL.M.
Area of Expertise
Counsel, arbitrator and mediator in commercial disputes.
Advising clients, particularly with a background in energy, technology, life sciences or manufacturing, on the management of legal and compliance risks, resolution of business conflict and remediation of compliance failures.
Professional Career
- Partner with Wartmann Merker (since 2022)
- Partner in a Zurich-based boutique firm focusing on IP and technology (2019-2022)
- Partner and associate in the Zurich office of a global law firm (2004-2019)
- Academic assistant at the chair of Prof. Franz Werro, University of Fribourg (1999-2002)
- Lecturer for arbitration law in the University of Fribourg’s LL.M-program (2009-2021)
- Co-director and lecturer in a CAS program on legal risk management and compliance, Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz (since 2021)
- President of the conciliation commission in gender matters for the ETH Domain (since 2020)
- University of Fribourg, Dr. iur., 2004 (Walter Hug prize, Peter Jäggi prize)
- University of Michigan, LL.M., 2003
- University of Fribourg, law degree (lic.iur), 1998
- Mediation training, Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut, 2016
- ICC (Delegate of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR)
- ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association)
- DIS (German Arbitration Institute)
- SVAMC (Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center)
- ECS (Ethics and Compliance Switzerland)
- DICO (Deutsches Institut für Compliance e.V.)
- Asia Society Switzerland
- ZAV (Zurich Bar Association)
- SAV (Swiss Bar Association)